We got it done on time and we got it done well. Im super proud of the work we were able to produce. During the last stretch it was all hands on deck to get them mounted and up for display butbut we did it. We did it...im so releaved. Its been a bumpy road so far but its all been a positve learning process.
The final images.
They have changed a bit from the image we had orginally invisioned. i nthe begining we wanted them to be shaped like stained glass windows as well as have the halos cut out and them back lit. Instead we kept the halos as part of the digital design and kept them rectangle.Our orginal idea to display it around the trophy case stayed the same but the shape of the panels did change.
It didnt turn out as expected but im still really proud of how they turned out none the less. We put in a lot of work into them and i believe it really shows. I belive my skills are showcased well in these pieces and i can see my influence in them. I worked hard on the halos, linework, and coloring and i see it pay off in all of them. Im most proud of the linework i was able to do. I had never drawn that much on photoshop before and i had to learn as i went. Im very proud of what i was able to accomplish not knowing much going in. As a whole group we achieved something amazing that i feel we should be proud of. All the hard work and stress we put into these is amazing in itself.
Who would your archangel be? What in these pieces stands out the most to you?
Artist inspiration
Bea Gonzalez- Is an illustratot from Spain who's stained glass illustrations have been in inspiration towrds the end of this process. https://www.behance.net/vhea
Joshua Conceicao- is a student from singapore ad his tained glass cards are the shape and style we were going for in th beging of the project. Its still impostant to look and people who are doing similar things to yourself.https://www.behance.net/joshconceicao
Raenan I think you guys did really well. You chose a good group of very talented graphic designers. I love where you displayed them in the school, now everybody can see them. The portrait of Richburg is my favorite. The pop of color in each of the pictures to tie them together was a very smart decision and they look amazing together. I would seriously pay money to have something like that done of me or of my whole family. It is so well done.