We have been progressing nicely as a group. I reached my goal of completing three angles by this check. My job is to line the figures and design the halos then pass them on to Mila to be colored. Nothing has changed about the work this far but I know I'm going to have to pick up the pace in order to not be the weak link. I don't usually work in digital media, especially drawing, so there's been a learning curve.
Links to my team mates blogs :)
They are a bit cropped but these are ( starting from the left) Raphael, Michael, and Jopiel
I know a lot of you had questions on how the halos would be incorporated into the overall design are i realized nowhere did i ever explain it. SO the holas will be behind the figure, there not here because they haven't been colored, as further symbolism for each of the angels. Once printed we are hoping to mount them on foam core, cut out the showing parts of the halo, resin seal them, and when hanging, we would backlight them. So the halos would be light rather than the white lines you see now. Richburg, Eryn, and I have been talking about ways to do this effectively and we haven't come up with anything solid yet so any suggestions on how we could would be greatly appreciated:)
Check out Milas blog for a colored Angel<3
I have gotten a lot of positive feedback from my classmates like Leilani, who have been excited about our pieces and the progress made. My teammates have been super supportive and understanding with me through my learning curve. I know they'd never say it but I'm sure they're annoyed they keep having to fix the hands I draw XD. Its been getting better slowly but surely but I'm not nearly as talented with drawing as they are. I am, however, really proud of myself for being able to get these done when I said I would and getting them done to the best of my ability.
I believe these pieces fit into the current contemporary art world because in socially divided and anxious times I feel we all need to look toward the people who are around us every day, who comfort us. I wanted to make art that made me and the people involved with this art happy. I've been making "sad art" for a long time and contemporary art has looked at mental health more deeply, so I wanted to make art that looked at a happier place.
Artist Inspirations:
Gabriel Silveira- She is an amazing illustrator from the UK whos work is a social commentary on the future and current use of technology. The use of line and color in her pieces is amazing and really adds to the theme of those pieces. I wish to do the same thing in my own drawings
Mattias Adolfsson--He is an illustrator from Sweden whos pen/ink and watercolor illustrations are incredible. His intricate linework is something that has inspired me to take that level of detail into my own work.
I'm so proud of you for being able to work through these learning curves. With the lighting situation, I think you could potentially use tea lights in the back of foam core, but I think that process might be something you have to test out with trial and error. Are the halos going to be over their faces and such or are they going to be set to the background? Also, thanks for the shout out, I am so excited to see how everything plays out!
The lining on the sketches is amazing so far! I know that lining artwork can be a pain, so great job for getting these three done. The designs for the halos in the background are so intricate, and I’m curious on how it will turn out with the backlighting! With such detailed halos, I would definitely say to try and show them as much as possible so they aren’t lost in the background.
The concept you guys have to have light pass through the halos is exciting to hear about, because it'll bring a surprising element to this series. It's also nice to see the halos overlayed onto the archangel sketches and get a better visual as to how the final piece will look. Besides the technical aspects, I love the contemporary connection you have to look at a brighter side of dealing with mental health and other current struggles. Focusing on the element of support rather than just suffering is a refreshing take on the subject.
You have been doing so well! You're no where close to being the weak link (if anything I am haha). You're line art is really well done and I know you struggle a lot but overall you have been doing an amazing job and you know I would not mind helping you line or fix anything you would need me to fix. I know you say you cannot draw but obviously you can, so do not beat yourself up so much. You're good at what you do.
All 3 sketches fit together really well, although each has a unique personality to it, they each have the same style. This will definitely be a very successful piece, just by the visual of the art alone, let alone the intention behind them. I think your wish to create "happier" work is admirable and if people focused more on the positives and less of the negatives in life, it may overall improve our lives.