We have been progressing slowly but surely, behind where we would like to be but not in hot boiling water yet. It's like the tea you said you'd let cool down but forgot about and remembered an hour and a half later. Slightly above lukewarm. Our progress has come more quickly in the last couple of weeks so I think we're going to be fine. We've had to modify our plan of cutting out the halos to have them be made of light, instead, we are leaving them as part of the drawings to save time. I don't feel bad about sacrificing this element because we won't be compromising on craftsmanship in order to make everything work. The craftsmanship in these pieces is something I'm really proud of. My team and I have put a lot of work into making them well. I believe our theme comes across really well to our audience, our angles are obviously everyday people who have been given this spotlight.
Below are four of the images we were critiqued on.
The void ate the other three
from right to left: Chamuel, Gabriel, Zadkiel, and Jophiel
We were told out pieces were really good but needed something to push them over the edge. The halos were placed behind so you couldn't see much of the design so our peers agreed we needed to make them more noticeable. So taking this into consideration I added parts of their halos to the bottoms and brought Zadkeils to the front. We were also advised by Ms. Richburg to add a connecting pop of color in all of them and Eryn wanted to take the reigns on that. Our critique overall was positive and we got a lot of good feedback. Taking everyone's advice into consideration I came up with theses revised versions.
From left to right: Zadkiel, Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Chamuel, Uriel, and jophiel.
Yamila has done the background for Jophiel and doing an amazing job on the rest.
My teams blogs :)
Yamilla Rodriguez: https://yamilacrodriguez.wixsite.com/caridad/blog
Eryn Simmons: https://pinkpineapplelemon.wixsite.com/pirakami-1/blog/
Artist inspiration
Her style and use of color has been an inspiration to me while coloring. Other than her work being beautiful the pigs are super cute.
I will also say that I think you guys should consider adding more line work or shading, just because I feel like the angels look flat and drawn to the background but with those adjustments it could put more emphasis towards the angels themselves.
AHHHHHHHHHHHH, I am in love with your groups piece. The angels are looking amazing and from what I see it's all about just cleaning up and completing all of the angels. :) Proud
The progress on your project is going amazing! The colors are all well chosen and flow together in each piece, and the composition for each digital piece is really well done! I love the designs of the halos, and I’m glad you guys have decided to bring them forward in front of the bodies.
I also agree that the pop of color is needed, and I’m super happy that your halos get more spotlight since I know how much work you put into them
This project is looking sooooo good. I definitely agree that the pop of color in each portrait is ideal. I think it will pull all of the portraits together in a unified state.