Progresses had gone smoothly so far, a little slower than i would like, but smoothly none the less. I would like to be farther along but i am in a good place.
My artwork hasn't changed any from the way I had planned it. This is partially due to good planning and nobody really challenging or adding ideas. Which to me means I have my stuff together. While this is certainly not a bad thing it doesn't make for a very interesting blog post. My piece is still going to be shown as the skulls mounted on a wall with the net of beads connecting them. The only thing I would consider changing in the layout is how far apart the skulls are if I run out of time to make it the size I want.
In the beginning, I had to thread every bead onto the needle and that was the primary consumer of time and energy. Recently I got a bead spinner that loads the beads on a string far more quickly than I was doing by hand so I'm hoping this new tool will help me get ahead. During a critique, I received positive feedback from my peers so there wasn't much suggestion for improvement only that they liked the direction I was going. I've come to a bit of a creative block because I would want a good critique in order to know if I'm in good standing and to add more to my design. Because of this feedback is going to keep going in the same direction and assume its progressing in the right direction.
If anymore has any more critiques or suggestions please feel free to leave a comment <3.
Artist Inspiration
I really like his web-like structures he creates in his pieces. While I'm not looking to have that many strings I want to create that captured or encased atmosphere within my own piece. We have similar color choices that will help me in the composition and placement of my own colors.
I agree with Leilani because during class I would watch your string those beads by hand and the bead spinner compared to that, you are now able to get a lot more done. I like the composition of your piece because it has a lot of motion in it. The string of beads would definitely drag the viewer's eyes all around the piece. Is there a reason for each placement of the skulls? You may want to play with it along with spacing since the small mink skulls could be hidden or not as noticed with it by the bison skull. Overall, very good job! Your hard work is paying off!
Honestly, I feel a huge weight of relief just reading about you got the bead spinner and I can say that you will probably save a huge amount of time with that. Considering that you would like some feed back, I will say that your structure/layout is unique but what made you change it instead of it going in a line? Also, I would like to get some more in site on how you are going to mount the sculls and if you are going to paint on top of the skulls or manipulate them in any other way then just the beading.