We (Eryn, Mila, and I) are going to create seven portraits of important people in our lives in the style of old stained glass windows. Since we all collectively have an appreciation for religious art, we would like to incorporate it into the idea of “everyday heroes” but instead portraying them our “everyday angels”.
Each portrait will be associated with an archangel so their style, symbolism, and colors will align to each angel they’re assigned to, and each archangel’s theme would connect to each person assigned to them.
We each have different jobs so the workload is divided, Eryn is giving me rough sketches to line that I then pass on to Mila to color.
I also have the task of designing individual halos for all of the halos.
Links to Eryn and Mila's blogs :)

So far we've made a lot of progress. Eryn has almost all of the rough sketches done, and I've lined one of them and Mila has already begun working. Although we would be farther along if my computer didn't hate me and not work for two weeks :). BUT I was able to finish all of the halos in that time
We're working together very well and even though my computer cause s hiccup I know we can get it done in time.

Each of them is unique to the person as well as the angel they represent. ( I may or may not have drawn inspiration from anime magic circles but that is neither here nor there)
Michael: Pete Coore (Raes Dad)
.Protection, courage, strength, and success
.Sunday and the Sun
He has a halo of swords radiating out from the center like rays of light.
Jophiel: Erin Richburg
.Guidance and Inspiration
.Thursday and Mars
Her hale is reminiscent of a compass since she has been a guiding force in our lives.
Gabriel: Miranda Simmons (Eryn’s Mom)
.Communication, intuition, and clarity
.Monday and the Moon
Her halo is a lot more open than the others to represent clarity as well as her openness to talk and listen.
Chamuel: Katalina Sussman (Mila’s Mom)
.Love of self and others, forgiveness, and compassion
.Tuesday and Earth
I had trouble coming up with something for this angel. I eventually came to this design after thinking you must be just as nice to yourself as you are to others, so the diamond shape is moving both outward and inward to represent this.
Uriel: Rhyan Cooke (Raes friend)
.Wisdom, peace, and problem solving
.Friday and Venus
Eryn helped me come up with this one since it was difficult. We came up with the idea of a gear to represent problem-solving and a smaller one working along with it to represent peace. Raphael: Crystal Brewer: (Mila’s Mom number 3)
.Truth and healing (physical, mental, and spiritual)
.Wednesday and Mercury
I took inspiration from the rod of Asclepius and had the "snakes" wrapping around the staff helping form a flower-like halo.
Zadkiel: Damian DeSantis (Eryn’s Best Friend)
.Freedom, change, understanding, and comfort
.Saturday and Jupiter
For this halo, I wanted something very different from the others. It's open and wave-like because the ocean is forever changing its also reminiscent of a feather since birds often represent freedom.
Artist Referances
Calvin Knight- He created a series of magic circles that i looked at for inspiration in regaurds to the layout and different unique elements of my own halos.His use of overlapping to create depth helped me a lot with designing Micheal, Jophiel, Uriel, and Raphael.
"lanómada" Lisbel- Her linework is clean and perfect. Her and simialr artist have always inspired me to get better at my own linework and ive looked at her artwork thoughtout this process as a way to keep on track.
Amazing job Rae! I love the halos and I am proud of the work you’ve done so far (the halos and line art)! I like the symbolism you’ve incorporated into the halos to help represent each angel’s traits. I’ve enjoyed working with y’all so far and I am glad we are all working well together.
I don't want to repeat myself too much because I wrote a lot of my comments and feedback on Yamila's blog, but I will say I am so in love with the halos you've created. Is Mila going to color those as well or will they be black and white still? Also, I'm so happy to see how far you guys have gotten like honestly you guys are going to have so much of this done in no time. Do you have any sketches of halos or your process behind making them? Anyways, I love your work that you have thus far and I hope all goes well. :)
This whole idea is so great. Each description makes total sense, and I can tell that this concept deeply reflects how each of you feel about each individuals. The style that you are doing makes perfect sense with the symbolism because you are in a way honoring each person, which is what most religious art does. I can't wait to see further progress!
Wow! I’m in love with the usage of the archangels and important figures in your life. It’s definitely something new and unique, which makes it that much more interesting. The description of each person and their meaning is also very genuine and sentimental; I can tell that this project will have a lot of meaning for all three of you! The “halo” designs, or the white symbols, is a cool touch, because it incorporates that sort of symmetrical perfection of stained glass windows. Can’t wait to see more progress!