Thought research and artistic exploration I am studying Grief. Grief and all of its nitty-gritty, taboo, and secrets. In particular, the factors that can inhibit or complicate grief. Factors such as Radical and sudden changes in lifestyle, early Childhood Messages, feeling disenfranchised, or even pre-existing psychopathology. As my first large-scale, long-term project i am focusing heavily on the research and less into the development of sketches because it has been challenging to come up with a solid design with such a complicated topic. But maybe that complexity could be reflected in the work itself.
I have been looking into eight inhibitors of grief ; if the loss event is too painful to express grief, if early childhood messages Inhibit expression of feelings, if the relationship was problematic, if the relationship caused anxiety, anger, and/or guilt, old loss material overwhelming and creating an overload, if the mourner feels disenfranchised, pre-existing psychopathology, lack of social support, and/or there is a lack of tangible evidence of death. While looking into these topics I found imagery I could use but I am still unsure on how to apply it. My goal is to combine the imagery of the inhibitors with animal skulls. I am very interested in animal skulls and the connotation they have as symbols of death twithin our society. I believe using them would only add to what I'm trying to demonstrate and help develop the imagery. My goal for this project is to create a web-like structure between varying sized skulls mounted onto a wall. With each of the animal skulls representing a different inhibitor. My conceptual goal is to start a conversation about grief and how the viewer has personally experienced grief.

Artist Inspiration
Ashkan Honarvar uses great imagery i can use as a reference or inspiration.